Friday, March 11, 2016

Hotel El Castillo

I got a job! Well, I had a job... During part of the summer I worked in the Hotel y Departamentos El Castillo. It was a wonderful experience; to give you an idea I give you the web's description of the Hotel:

"This beautiful hotel is hosted in an old mansion from 1920 displaying the typical architecture of the German settlers in the south of Chile. Furnished completely with antique furniture, the house itself is considered as of special interest by tour operators. It offers you all the comfort you need, so you can find peace and recreate your spirits"


The main entrance had a gorgeous sunroom. 

If you wanted to go in you had to ring this adorable goose bell.

The reception area.

The stairway leading up to the second floor, and the hallway that took you to the dinning room. 

Twin beds from one of the rooms.

The house was not only filled with antique furniture, it also had a large collection of tea sets, porcelain dolls, clocks, decorative dishes and teddybears. 

Can we talk about the soothing color schemes?

All these frames hold antique postcards. They belong to Julia (while dusting I took the time to read them all), a woman who lived in the late 1800 early 1900. Most letters were written around 1904-1915, and they were from two of her friends who lived in Valdivia. One was named Rosa, and I don't quite remember, but I think the other was named Nora (or maybe it was Oma). Apparently Julia collected postcards and her friends were happy to help. In short sentences they sent season greetings, good and bad news (like the death of a friend and the birth of a child), and even small things like getting their portrait drawn. These postcards truly were 100 year old time capsules. 

There were quite a few embroideries, but this landscape was my favourite. 

The drawing room was by far my favourite part of the Hotel. The colors, decor and furniture just gave the room a really nice feeling to it. 

*   *   *
So this is why I didn't upload anything during February, however I do have quite a few post lined up. 

Till then,


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